Getting Started – Design Options & Quotes
Our process is relatively simple – we take stone in a liquid state and give it form. Still, there are many variables that affect how we approach each project, as we’ve yet to encounter any two that are exactly alike.
The first thing most clients want to know before we get started is how much their project is going to cost. We can provide general quotes based on the square footage of your project, yet special forming/mounting techniques, 3-dimensional/sculptural pieces, decorative inlays and accents, exposed aggregate/heavy grind finish, and the use of specialty concrete mixes can all affect how we price a project making it difficult to provide standardized rates.
You can get a general quote like this by filling out our online Get A Quote Form. Otherwise, the tried and true way to get the most accurate quote from us, is for us to visit the site, show you our portfolio and discuss all the details of the project. At this point, we’ll draw up a proposal and upon request we can provide drawings of your project to help visualize the final design.
Getting it done – PreCast Templates, Forms & Molds
In general, countertops, vanities, fireplace surrounds and similar applications are templated onsite once all permanent structures, such as walls, cabinet bases, and flooring are in place. During this phase, we work directly with the client, designer, architect and/or builder to determine proper placement of all fixtures, inlays, and design elements. We will discuss installation requirements, especially if additional supports, bolt systems, brackets or other structural elements need to be taken into consideration.
We cast majority of our projects offsite and in reverse into our custom-made molds. Once the mold is built, design elements such as decorative inlays, trivets, cutting boards, fiber-optic lighting and sink/fixture knock-outs are glued into the mold.
The Pour
Though weighty and temperamental, we prefer to use a genuine concrete mix: cement, aggregate, sand and water. We use a combination of wiremesh and rebar for reinforcement, depending on the application. Colors are plentiful and are generally created through the use of integral pigment dyes. The concrete and dye are mixed then poured into the mold, troweled off, and allowed to cure.
Although it technically takes approximately one month for concrete to cure to full strength, we’re now using a custom blend of accelerators and consolidators that allow the concrete to cure much faster. These admixtures reduce porosity and increase the slab’s strength (psi), allowing us to remove the piece from the mold much earlier than in previous years. Still, each piece is unique, so it’s become an intuitive process, where we just know when a piece has cured and is ready to be demolded. Depending on the project, this can be anywhere between a few days to just over a week and up to two weeks.
During this phase, it’s probably best that our clients don’t see their piece as it’s removed from the mold – they can be quite unattractive at this point. From there, depending on the desired finish, each piece is ground and polished anywhere from a very fine grind (solid color) to a heavy grind (exposed aggregate) and anywhere in between, which is when we see the pieces true beauty come to life.
Many times grinding has the tendency to expose air voids that naturally occur when the concrete is vibrated during the pouring process. These voids can be left alone or the can be filled using a colored slurry. The slurry is troweled on and allowed to cure for a day or two. The piece then receives its final grind, unless an additional coat of slurry is required. Once dry, the concrete is sealed, generally with a water-based sealer. The sealers can take up to 72 hours to fully cure, at which time we are ready to load up and install. |